“GIVE ME SOMETHING MEANINGFUL! Our time is valuable, and our hearts and minds are too! The world is full of so much, yet so little that is meaningful. If you are like me, most of what is packaged and promoted to entertain is empty of anything inspirational and, unfortunately, often offensive. I hear myself say, “Please, give me something meaningful!” And I’m not even exposed to the majority of what is out there. When I read a book or watch a television series, I don’t want lewd language, glorified sin without consequence, and unrealistic events. I want something meaningful! If you hear yourself saying the same thing, this is for us. Share in uncovering the simple, the beautiful, the meaningful, and the magnificent components of life, where God is good, even in all that is less than perfect. It’s not about polishing over the ugly. It’s not about praising people. It’s about the meaningful moments that matter! ”
“When we don’t understand life’s unforeseen direction and there seems to be no fathomable explanation or way out, every day is beyond difficult. Though how amazing is the moment that we not only accept His plan for our lives but witness His path to our rescue! It is life-changing when we finally experience that overwhelming moment when God draws all the broken pieces together into something amazing. This is Gracie’s story of how she found healing and discovered that it is not done alone.” — Author